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Warsaw to London Experience


In 2018 I learnt about PKF GO, the secondment programme offered and organised by the PKF network. This programme gives PKF employees all over the world the opportunity to work, gain experience and learn about the culture of other countries where PKF offices are located.

In the Autumn of 2018 I sent my CV in response to the adverts posted on PKF365, the network’s intranet. I received replies from three locations: London, Malta and New York and received invites to interview at PKF O'Connor Davies and PKF Littlejohn.

After the interviews I was delighted to receive a secondment invitation to go to London for six months at PKF Littlejohn. With the consent of my partner and my managers, I decided to accept this opportunity and began my secondment in January 2019.

Under the secondment programme, the host is obliged to provide me with accommodation for the duration of my stay which was great as it meant I didn’t have to worry about finding a place to live.

The beginning of my stay in London was quite hard - I had to find my way in a new culture, familiarise myself with speaking English daily and meet new people from a new office.

I also had to get to know new roommates from Australia, who were also participating in the programme.

At PKF Littlejohn I worked as a Junior Assignment Leader (the equivalent of a Polish Junior Coordinator) in the general audit and not for profit department. I conducted audits of financial statements of production companies and foundations.

Every new audit I started was stressful for me - I always worried about whether I would manage, which was also an additional motivation, however with a lot of support from my English managers everything worked out well.

During my stay in London, I certainly improved my English and gained valuable experience and a different perspective on the audit process (use of different software, different regulations, organisational structure of PKF Littlejohn).

I met many interesting people and I have to say that everyone was always very kind and helpful to me, making every effort to make me feel comfortable in my new job.

Six months is quite a long time, so I had a lot of time to see London and its surroundings. I visited all of the important places including Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Greenwich and many more interesting places - there is really so much to visit!

In summary, I am very pleased with my trip to London and PKF Littlejohn. I value the professional help and support I’ve received from my office in Poland and London and I’m grateful for the valuable experience I gained.