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PKF firms sponsor the MOVE 2023 Women’s World Cup Empowerment Program


PKF firms sponsor the MOVE 2023 Women’s World Cup Empowerment Program 


We are proud to report that member firms PKF Adelaide and PKF Zambia are supporting the MOVE Foundation by sending a women’s Zambian football team to the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. 

Established in 2010, the MOVE Foundation is a Zambian and Australian non-governmental organisation which develops humanitarian projects in Zambia’s Western Province, one of Africa’s most remote and impoverished areas. MOVE arranges for groups of skilled volunteers (comprising business partners, work colleagues and sports teams) to visit the region and create sustainable resources. MOVE’s remit is vast, with projects including the installation of water services, construction of hospitals and medical centres, development of sports facilities and provision of training. 

One of MOVE’s key focus areas is empowering young women in the Western Province, providing them with the tools and resources to allow them to secure economic independence. Sponsored by PKF Adelaide and PKF Zambia, the MOVE 2023 Women’s World Cup Empowerment Program (‘the Program’) provides a unique opportunity for the Barotse Jets, an under-19 women’s football team from Mongu in the Western Province. The team will be flown to Adelaide in July 2023, where they will play a series of friendly games with local teams and attend Women’s World Cup matches. The Barotse Jets will also benefit from life skills coaching in the run-up to the trip.  

The Program was launched earlier in June 2022 with the opening of the MOVE 2023 Women’s World Cup Barotse Plaza in Zambia, a centre to inspire young football players. In addition, MOVE will operate its Vision Fund from the plaza, providing microfinancing services to the community. PKF firms were instrumental in developing the Vision Fund with MOVE, which empowers people whose opportunities have been limited in the past due to lack of access to financial services. 

PKF Adelaide and PKF Zambia are long-standing partners of the MOVE Foundation, with the former providing business and financial oversight since the charity was founded in 2010. PKF Zambia has given business support since 2018, with both firms actively involved in MOVE’s projects and fundraising activities. MOVE director Nev Pace said, “PKF Adelaide has underpinned MOVE since its inception…their business guidance and support have been amazing. I am truly grateful for PKF’s support. Thanks guys.” 

For further details about the MOVE Foundation and the Program, please click here

Please see the PKF Adelaide and PKF Zambia websites for more information about these firms. 


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