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PKF International welcomes law firm to network


PKF International welcomes law firm to network


PKF International has strengthened its geographical coverage and service capabilities with the addition of law firm RASS (Rinaldi e Associati).

The firm, with offices in Milan and Rome, provides integrated legal services to internationally focused firms in Italy, and foreign entities interested in investing or expanding in Italy. The firm’s international desk in Turkey offers legal assistance to enterprises with cross-border operations between Italy and Turkey.

Partner at RASS, Marco De Leo, commented, “We are glad to join PKF International. We believe that our expertise and experience, together with PKF International’s quality standards, will strengthen our position to compete in the local and international market and help us to provide excellent service to our clients. At the same time, we believe the international network will value our firm as a reliable legal partner, with the common aim to develop legal services under the PKF brand.”

PKF International CEO, Theo Vermaak, said, “These are exciting times for PKF as we welcome a law firm into the fold and take a step towards diversifying our network’s service offering to the end client. I am delighted to welcome the team at RASS to our global community and look forward to working with Marco and his team to develop our Legal Working Group.”

For more information, please visit the RASS website here.


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